Grace and I did several scenes (Act 2 Scene 5, Act 3 Scene 2, Act 3 Scene 5) to show the analysis of Juliet (played by Charlie) growing up. We wanted to show her childish aspect, and how she grew away from that into a more aggressive, grown-up character. In order to show this, he nurse would be the “constant” character. The nurse (played by Grace) wouldhave the same emotions, and would not change much. By doing this, the viewer will be able to see the stark differences in Juliet’s personality, from the beginning scene to the end scene. I think Grace and I did a good job at grasping this concept, and showing the analysis through our work.
Grace and I were able to react off each other really well in these scenes. At first, I was timid and shy, to do this I often looked off into the distance. Juliet was amazed by Romeo and so in love with him. I played Juliet this way at first to show the young, immature love. Even, when I did raise her voice Grace for certain parts in the first scene, it was a childish put. I stomped my feet and crossed my arms. This is how a young person usually acts to their elders when they are upset. In response Grace ignored it, but this was only for the first scene. Grace did this, because she could see the childless in Juliet, and didn’t know yet how Juliet changed. Toward the end of the scenes, I played Juliet as more grown up. I looked directly into Grace’s eyes. When I yelled it was with more authority, I didn’t stomp or do anything else. Grace did really well when reacting off Juliet for this part of the scene. When Juliet started to become more mature, and be more aggressive, Grace backed up. She showed that she was shocked that Juliet was acting this way. This helped show that the Nurse noticed a difference in Juliet.
One thing that could have been better was projection and speed. During some of the lines of Juliet, I went to fast. I have to learn how to slow down and pace myself, because the words got jumbled together. This has to be worked on overtime, but for now I have to consciously think about slowing down my lines. Also, there are times when I have to project more, because I was too quiet. This might be due to the rushing. When I talk to fast, my voice becomes lower. This happens quite frequently. The better I get at slowing down my lines, and making sure to pronunciation my words, the more people will understand what I am saying. I only rushed through a couple of my lines, so not too much information was missed. But, even a little information missed can sometimes ruin a scene. However, after watching the video, it wasn’t terrible, it just need improvement, so next time everyone can understand what I am saying.
I think the scene was much improved since the first draft of the video. Grace and I were able to better memorize our lines, which improved a lot of our scene. At first it was difficult for me to move when I was supposed to, or to react off Grace. My nose was so into the paper, that I couldn’t do any of these things. However, during the final draft, the scene was better memorized, and we were able to move better, and react off each other more. This helped the scene come to life, and a clearer interpretation of the analysis to the scene. So, overall the scene was much improved.
Not only did memorizing help the scene come to life, but by adding props and costumes. Juliet wore a long white dress, to symbolize innocence. The dress made me look more like Juliet, and in the time set it is supposed to be in. Grace wore a long fringy dress with an apron. This is a common thing servants would wear during this time period. By adding costuming and Juliet’s bed, a more realistic interpretation can be made. The audience will understand what time period it is, and therefore comprehend why certain things are the way they are. The scene jumped to life when these things were added.
I think my performance ability has changed since the beginning of reading Romeo and Juliet. When I first did a scene about Romeo and Juliet, I was able to get into character as much as I could now. The language was still confusing then, and therefore I couldn’t make a proper analysis of her. In this scene however, I was able to embody the character more, and become a stronger actress. I think by understanding the language this helped. Also, the ability to stage the scenes have become better. I look at more que lines to see where a person should more, whereas before I just picked random spots. I think realizing this will help me in the future. Working with Grace definitely helped me figure out these key lines, and develop into a better actress. She helped me study my lines, and I was able to work off her. Overall, I think this scene was a success.

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